Friday, September 29, 2006


I have noticed an increasing number of people asking about climbing coaching on the internet forums. Rather than try to reply to each individual query, I decided to publish this blog containing information on the various types of coaching that I offer. Hopefully people will find it useful and will be able to make an informed decision as to what style of coaching is right for them.
I don't have a degree in sports science or years and years of experience, but what I do have is an in depth understanding of how to get the most out of your climbing, without telling you "just get stronger". My ability to watch and work out what you are lacking in your technique and movement is what I have to offer. With this I will help to redirect your mental focus, offer hints, tips and tricks to help you dramatically improve your climbing.
I feel that far too many coaches concentrate on the physical side of climbing, focusing on improving your arm, finger, core strength etc and while this will certainly help, the improvements will take a while to see and will be limited as to how much training you are prepared/able to do. My coaching looks at the more technical and mental side of climbing; showing you ways to maximize what strength you already have by simply moving your body and approaching your climbing in a more efficient way. Improvements will be immediate, and you will keep on improving as time goes by as you refine these new techniques to suit your own body and climbing style.
Climbing well, is not about being strong, it is about knowing how to move easily and efficiently. Each problem, each position, each hold, has an infinite number of possibilities, but once you learn to see past this confusion and begin to understand the fundamentals of your own body, moving on rock will begin to make a lot more sense.
Everybody has the potential to climb well; all it takes is some good advice and a push in the right direction.
To contact me for further information, please use the "email" button in "my profile"

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